we do not have one machine doing all the work but one machine for each work

Printed jobs are actually the silent customer representatives of the topic they cover. The jobs produced in maximum quality are the accumulation of the result provided together by all units. Therefore, each stage is of particular importance until the job takes its final shape. The appearance and quality of the job leaving the bookbindery is a real art no matter how perfect its preparation, paper and print are.

High Technology in post printing, 21.000 pieces an hour

Müller Martini Corona C12 Fully Automatic Perfect Binding Machine

420,000 perfect binding capacity per day 520,000 wire stitch capacity per day

Müller Martini Primera

16 Fully Automatic Wire Stitch Machine             2 pcs Müller Martini Presto Wire Stitch Machine

900.000 form folding capacity per day

4 pcs Stahl 70 x 100 Folding Machine